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Stand no.8

Swissdec ELM BVG

Swissdec was founded in 2007 with the aim of digitising the exchange of data between companies and recipients (AHV funds, insurers/Suva, tax authorities and the Federal Statistical Office). Today, more than 102,000 companies use this solution.

The solution is based on "standard", "certification" and "transmission". There are currently the ELM, KLE and SUA standards.

Despite its great potential (especially in collective institutions), this procedure has not been established until now. This is now changing: since the end of 2023, AXA and Helvetia have been able to pilot the process successfully, and Swiss Life, Agrisano and Allianz are in the process of doing so. The four largest providers of pension fund management solutions (SwissPension AG, PK Softech AG, aXenta AG and M&S Software Engineering AG) have committed to making their solutions "ELM-compatible".

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